Screens 3.6 – The Snow Leopard Edition™

March 12, 2015

What are the exciting new features, you may ask? Version 3.6 introduces virtually no new features. This is our Snow Leopard release before we start working on Screens 4, which should be available later this year.

Our goal with this version was to address 3 aspects: Stability, Speed and Support. Of course, we managed to include some new stuff:

New iOS Icon

Originally set for Screens 4, we decided to use it right away! Dave at The Iconfactory updated the iOS icon at the same time as the Screens for Mac icon last fall and it was just sitting there, all alone in a Dropbox folder… Poor guy!

S4 Ios Icon

New Welcome Guide

We felt like unexperienced users may feel a little overwhelmed with the initial computer configuration and how Screens operates so we thought that adding this guide would help them understand what needs to be done before using the app.


S4 Mac Welcome


S4 Ios Welcome

The guide covers these aspects:

It also invites you to join our mailing list, which you should!

Secure Connection Test

Screens now performs a connection test when enabling secure connections to ensure the computer is configured properly.


S4 Mac Conn Test


S4 Ios Conn Test

Many users were enabling this feature without making knowing that a service was required on their computer and created a lot of confusion.

But Wait, There’s More!

There are too many fixes and improvements to be listed here so check out our release notes (Yes, we have those now too!)

Release Notes – Screens iOS Release Notes – Screens Mac

What’s Next?

We’re still not done yet. Screens 4 won’t be available for months but in the meantime, we’ll keep improving Screens 3 in order to make it super stable while we prepare its successor, so expect a more bug fixes/improvements releases in the coming weeks.

About Screens 4

Screens 4 for iOS & Mac, will be free updates. They’ll both offer new “Pro” features via In-App purchases. Available later this year!

Some of you have been asking if version 4 will be a paid upgrade and the answer is: Yes. Unfortunately, the (Mac) App Store prevents us to offer discounts to our current users and we don’t think releasing a new app at a discount price for everyone is a good idea. We need those upgrade revenues in order to keep innovating and releasing new major updates. We’re not planning on releasing Screens 4 until iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 ship so maybe Apple will introduce some improvement to their stores and solve this issue. I wouldn’t hold my breath, however.

The good news is that if you bought Screens for Mac directly from us, then you will be able to upgrade for free (if purchased version 3 two months prior to the version 4 release) or at a discount price, which should be around 50% off the regular price.

Hint: We usually have a Black Friday sale every year. It’s a great time to upgrade if you’ve purchased Screens on the (Mac) App Store.

Apple Watch

We’re working on a super secret Apple Watch app, which should be available (hopefully) on Apple Watch launch day or very soon after it is released. A Mac version should also be available soon after.

Expect to learn more about that new set of apps next month!


Until next time!