Happy 4th Birthday, Screens!

December 15, 2014

Screens 4 Anniversary

After several months of hard work, Screens was finally released on December 12th, 2010.

Initially planned as our third app back in 2008, it went on hiatus for nearly 2 years until Apple introduced the iPad, which changed everything and brought the project back to life.

Then, in July 2011, Screens for Mac was released, the same day as OS X Lion.

App Bundle

S4 Ios App Bundle

In the meantime, we have just released the Upgrade to version 3 app bundle. The total bundle price is $31.99, which lets you save up to $8.00, depending on the price you have paid for Screens 2.

We were quite reluctant to make Screens 2 available again since we cannot support that version any longer but it was the only way to make the app bundle available. It took us a lot of thinking and decided to jump in when we saw that our friends at Smile were doing so as well.

Screens 4

We are currently working on version 4, which should be out in the first half of 2015. Screens 4 will bring a ton of new features but will also focus on stability and ease of use. We have learned a lot throughout those 4 years and we would not plan a new major version and not improve the main aspects of the app first.

This also means that Screens Connect will receive a new layer of paint. We will mostly focus on making the service more reliable and make it easier to troubleshoot network setups.

Thank You

We also want to take this opportunity to thank our loyal users and everyone that worked on the app over those 4 years: Marc-Étienne, Jake, Anthony, Neale, Phil and Thomas. Screens would not exist and thrive without you.

Thank you also to all the medias that brought a lot of focus on Screens: Daring Fireball, iMore, MacStories and all the others for their support.


Just for the fun of it, here is the evolution of the Screens app icon, starting with Porthole, which was the name of the app until a few days before we shipped.

Screens for iOS

Porthole Icon
Screens 1.0 Icon
Screens 1.0
Screens 1.X Icon
Screens 1.5
Screens 2.X Icon
Screens 2.0
Screens 3.X Icon
Screens 3.0

Screens for Mac

S1 Mac Icon
Screens 1.0
S3 Mac Icon
Screens 3.0
S3 5 Mac Icon
Screens 3.5